ADF&PCD New York 2019

North America's only dedicated event for the aerosol, dispensing, perfume, and cosmetic packaging community. Whether your objective is to listen, learn, network, buy or browse, this dedicated event will help you stay ahead of your competitors and up to date with all the latest industry trends and innovations. You'll want to attend this show if you are looking into aerosol products to expand your line. Nunc sed quam semper ex varius fermentum. Proin ut metus vitae ligula fermentum vulputate in ut libero. Proin tristique augue eget felis tincidunt tempor. Quisque commodo tellus a sapien porta ornare non vel dolor. Donec ac tellus quis quam varius vulputate. Nunc sed quam semper ex varius fermentum. Proin ut metus vitae ligula fermentum vulputate in ut libero. Proin tristique augue eget felis tincidunt tempor. Quisque commodo tellus a…

Innovations in Plastic Aerosol

The aerosol industry is growing and expanding into new nations and markets every year. At about 13 billion units annually, diversifying our container portfolio will continue this growth trend. This is critical to stay the tide of market pressure from less regulated products. Plastic aerosol containers represent a platform from which to show consumers new innovative design options or showcase completely new products. Quisque risus risus, ultricies et consectetur in, tempus id justo. Integer facilisis ante ac nisl commodo, non auctor tellus bibendum. Nulla posuere arcu eget sem tincidunt, et venenatis nisl feugiat. Suspendisse lorem nisi, sodales non metus eu, malesuada commodo dolor. Vivamus ultricies finibus dui id varius. Nam sollicitudin turpis ut tortor ornare pharetra. Suspendisse potenti. Phasellus vel lacus ante. Aenean nibh nibh, lacinia a elit at, finibus bibendum libero. Maecenas ex libero,…